
Maggie Dyet, R.N. - Board Member

Maggie has been an RN at UMC for 27 years, initially working as staff in the Nicu and most recently as staff nurse in the Newborn Nursery. She currently also works as a developmental follow-up nurse in the Newborn Intensive Care Program for the state of AZ, specializing in newborns who have spent time in the Nicu and who are at high risk for developmental delays.

She was Colton's developmental nurse during the time following his accident, and observed closehand the pain and suffering that was endured by Chris, Colton and Colton's siblings. She was moved to assist with the foundation due to having been a part of Colton's team. She also sees the dire need of carseats by the families upon discharge from UMC, and in the community by her clients in the followup program.

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